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The TBR Pile

A preview of the other books I’ll be reading for my project!

Since I first started my research project there has been a large stack of books and essays on my desk that I want to read for it. No matter how quickly I make my way through them, it seems to double in size just as quickly. In addition to a number of essays and even a few movies I want to watch, there are two more novels that I would like to read for the literature aspect of the project. Obviously, I have read Stone Butch Blues, the center of my project, many times, and I am almost done with Paul Takes the Form of a Moral Girl, so it is time to start looking toward what I will be reading next.

I wanted to get a range of fiction genres, SBB and PTFMG are both novels, with one being quite traditional and the other being more unique, so I have that genre covered. To add to that I found a book that is part memoir, part magical realism, it is Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng Thom. This book ties in the author’s own life story with one of adventure and magic, and a fabulous gang of trans girls and women. It seems like it is going to be a really fun and exciting book and I am really looking forward to seeing how it turns the trans memoir on its head.

The other book I will be reading is a collection of short stories by Ivan Coyote titled One in Every Crowd. I have read quite a few books by this author, but this will be my first time reading this one. Often their work is somewhat autobiographical, and I think this one follows with that theme. I liked this book specifically because it involves stories with all types of queer characters in them, specifically trans characters. It is aimed at a younger audience and looks at the lives of young queer kids from a variety of angles. I am a big fan of Ivan Coyote, so I am excited to read this collection!

Read along with me!
Buy Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir here.
Buy One in Every Crowd here.   


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